TFATERP SOFTWARE Business Partners Hierarchy

TFATERP SOFTWARE Relation Partners

TFATERP SOFTWARE Relation Partners

The third tier of partner structure generally acts as reference pointers. They just give the strong reference and rest of the process is then taken over by Associates or Top Business Partners.

Duties of a Relation Partner : Provide Reference, Generate Leads

In a region there could be many TFATERP SOFTWARE Relation partners.

TFATERP SOFTWARE Associates Partners

This kind of partnership is generally established by the Top Business Partners. They work under the distribution and guidance of the Top business Partners.
Suchan may also appoint such partners, depending upon the requirements in the region, where Top business partners are not appointed and Associates Partners want lesser responsibility on their shoulders.

Duties of an Associate Partner : Generate Leads, Demo Process, Execute Sales, After Sales Training & Support and Customer Relationship.
The Responsibility structure may be decided between Top Business Partner and Associates Partner.
e.g. Associate Partner may only close the sales and the support is then provided by the Top Business Partner.In a region there could be many TFATERP SOFTWARE associates partners.

In a region there could be many TFATERP SOFTWARE associates partners.

FATERP SOFTWARE Top Business Partners

TFATERP SOFTWARE Top Business Partners

This kind of partnership is generally established directly by Suchan. They work directly under the distribution and guidance of Suchan.

In a city there could be more than one TFATERP SOFTWARE Top Business Partners, but limited to max. 3 in smaller to mid-sized cities and max. 5 in metro cities.

Duties of a Top Business Partner
Generate Leads, Demo Process, Execute Sales, After Sales Training & Support and Customer Relationship. Also they will be appointing more Associates Partners and Relation Partners in their regions.

Channel Setup Partners

The partner is involved in Setting up the chain of partners for Suchan in any territory withinIndia. The resulting channel partner must be top business partners or Associate Partners.

In a city there could be more than one TFATERP SOFTWARE Channel Setup Partners.

Duties of a Channel Setup Partner : Identify the prospective partners, Convince for partnership with Suchan, Execute the Agreement and maintain relationship with partners.

Partner’s Benefits

Pre-Sales Support

Pre-Sales Support

Online Support

Online Support

Post-Sales Support

Post-Sales Support

Promotional Offers

Promotional Offers

Sales Leads

Sales Leads



Online Training

Online Training

Marketing Strategies

Marketing Strategies

Power Point Presentation

Power Point Presentation

Special Prices for Cross Upgrade

Special Prices for Cross Upgrade



Attractive Margin

Attractive Margin

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